
Author Archive Ulrike Steffel

ByUlrike Steffel

Cool Down and Feedback

After a packed, intense week, farewells are imminent. To shape this as a common experience, the Biennale has planned a last, reflexive session on Sunday morning. The start will be a physical cool down at 10:00 am, headed by the choreographer Victoria Hauke. In order to be able to review all events of the past week, the body needs to be awakened, which is what good dancers do. This will occur in the big group of all Biennale participants. Victoria Hauke’s roots in dance are based on release techniques, Tai Chi Chuan, Qi-Gong and yoga; she will use these to enrichen the cool-down session.

In a discussion after the session, all participants will look into the future and imagine what terms and conditions might characterize a network meeting for up-and-coming generations of dancers.

Feb 23, 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Kampnagel, Jarrestraße 20, 22303 Hamburg, K2

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ByUlrike Steffel

Biennale Closing Party


It’s the last evening of the 7th Bienn ale Tanzausb ildung 2020 Hamburg
and the festival Fok us Tanz #6 – there could be no better reason for an excessive party serving a mix of hip hop and dancehall tunes – bassy, trappy and bouncy! The late night highlight of the festival will bring two international DJs to the kmh-Club providing a space for audience, dance students from all over the world and international festival artists to celebrate together until the early morning. Express yourself – don’t repress yourself…

Feb 22, 11:00 pm

For ticketholders, artists, and participants of the Biennale Tanzausbildung 2020

Kampnagel, KMH

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ByUlrike Steffel

Book Presentation


Scholar Gabriele Klein (Hamburg University) presents her new book »Pina
Bausch‘s Dance Theater. Company, Artistic Practices, and Reception«. After that she discusses the relevance and significance of scientific and artistic research in BA- and MA -dance programmes with Stephan Brinkmann, head of the dance department at Folkwang University, and the freelance choreographer and dance scholar Sebastian Sebastian Matthias.

The english edition of »Pina Bausch‘s Dance Theater. Company, Artistic Practices, and Reception« will be published by Columbia Press in May 2020.

Prof. Dr. Gabriele Klein, Stephan Brinkmann, Sebastian Matthias

Feb 22, 5:30 pm – in German language

Kampnagel, Jarrestraße 20, 22303 Hamburg, Foyer

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ByUlrike Steffel

Biennale Hang Out

The Biennale will be an exciting but intensive week of learning and training. We want to make sure however that there is also plenty of time to relax and socialize between workshops. The Biennale Hang Outs will give you the perfect excuse to blow off some steam over a few drinks and, maybe, some more dancing with your fellow participants. Soundtrack will be provided by DJs yung_womb (Thursday) and David Lenk (Friday).

Feb 20/21, 11 pm

Kampnagel, Jarrestraße 20, 22303 Hamburg, KMH

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Sebastian Matthias © Jörg Letz
ByUlrike Steffel

Mentoring MA-Students


The MA students participating in the 7th Bienn ale Tanzausb ildung 2020
Hamburg will take part in the training and Do-Shop programmes like all other students. In addition, they are cordially invited to provide critical support for the Biennale and reflect on the content, structures and working methods, based on chosen interest, which may correlate with topics in their MA -programme. The MA students are supervised by the dance scholar, choreographer and dancer Sebastian Matthias who supports them as a mentor in the process of their project implementation. The respective focus is defined in advance in an exposé and jointly specified on the first day of the Biennale. Sebastian Matthias will accompany the work during the week. At the end of the Biennale it will be presented to all of the participants as a critical reflection and summary.

Mentor: Sebastian Matthias

Feb 17, 4:30–6:45 pm
Feb 22, 9:30–12:30 pm

Kampnagel, Jarrestraße 20, 22303 Hamburg, room K33

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Stiftung John Neumeier © Kiran West
ByUlrike Steffel



During the Biennale, the participants can visit the archive of the Foundation John Neumeier.
John Neumeier‘s dance and ballet collections, accumulated over a period of decades, form a unique amalgamation of an art collection, a library and an archive that is renowned in academic circles around the world. The function and aim of the Foundation is to preserve and portray the history of ballet through words and images, documents and objects and to present them together with the catalogue of John Neumeier‘s work in a comprehensible and tangible way within a sympathetic artistic environment.
The Foundation John Neumeier was founded on February 23 of 2006. It represents in a sense a »third pillar« of John Neumeier‘s artistic activities in Hamburg – a place designed for dance studies and the research, documentation and presentation of dance – together with the Hamburg State Opera, the performance venue of John Neumeier‘s ballets and the Ballet Centre Hamburg John Neumeier, where the ballets are created and the dancers learn their craft.

Feb 17, 4:00–5:00 pm + 5:00–6:00 pm
Feb 19, 1:00–2:00 pm
Feb 20, 4:00–5:00 pm + 5:00–6:00 pm
Feb 21, 1:00–2:00 pm

Station Kellinghusenstraße (Meeting point)

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ByUlrike Steffel

How to… Biennale


… to the Ballettzenturm Hamburg John Neumeier, Caspar-Voght-Straße 54, 20535 Hamburg

From a&o Hostel Hamburg: walk to the main station, take the suburban railway S 1 in the direction of Airport/Poppenbüttel, exit at the station Hasselbrook, walk to the Ballet Centre Hamburg John Neumeier

From Heikotel am Stadtpark: walk to the underground station Saarlandstraße, take the underground U3 in the direction of Barmbek, exit at the station Barmbek, take the suburban railway S 1 in the direction of Wedel, exit at the station Hasselbrook, walk to the Ballet Centre Hamburg John Neumeier

… to the Archive John Neumeier (Meeting Point Station Kellinghusenstraße)

From Kampnagel: walk to the underground station Saarlandstraße, take the underground U3 in the direction of Wandsbek-Gartenstadt, exit at the station Kellinghusenstraße (meeting point)

From Ballettzentrum John Neumeier: walk to the station Hasselbrook, take the suburban railway S 1 in the direction of Airport/Poppenbüttel, exit at the station Barmbek, take the underground U3 in the direction of Wandsbek-Gartenstadt, exit at the station Kellinghusenstraße (meeting point)

From a&o Hostel Hamburg: walk to the station Steinstraße, take the underground U1 in the direction of Norderstedt Mitte, exit at the station Kellinghusenstraße (meeting point)

From Heikotel am Stadtpark: walk to the underground station Saarlandstraße, take the underground U3 in the direction of Wandsbek-Gartenstadt, exit at the station Kellinghusenstraße (meeting point)

… to Kampnagel, Jarrestraße 20, 22303 Hamburg

From a&o Hostel Hamburg: Take the Metrobus 17 (direction: U Berne/Karlshöhe) at the station Hauptbahnhof/Kirchenallee. Exit at the station Jarrestraße

From Heikotel am Stadtpark: The hotel is within walking distance from Kampnagel. The bus #17, #172 and #173 (station Saarlandstraße) leaves directly at the Jarrestraße (1minute) walk. Those buses can take you to Kampnagel (2 stations), the central station and other typical hamburg addresses

From main station to a&o Hostel Hamburg: When you arrive at the main station, leave it at the north exit (direction Saturn – electronics store). At the Steintorwall/Steintordamm intersection, follow the Steintorwall into the Klosterwall, past the Kunstverein Hamburg. You cross and turn left into Amsinckstraße, with a slight slope to the right to Högerdamm, where the A&O Hostel is located (Amsinckstraße 2-10).
When you arrive at the main station at the HBF / Kirchenallee bus stop, follow the street Kirchenallee to the large intersection on Steintordamm. Cross the street and continue straight ahead along the small Julius-Kobler-Weg (right along the museum »Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe«). You will
then come to Altmannbrücke Street, cross it, turn right onto Steintorwall / Klosterwall Straße, go left along the Klosterwall, past the Kunstverein Hamburg. You cross and turn left into Amsinckstraße, with a slight slope to the right to Högerdamm, where the A&O Hostel is located (Amsinckstraße 2-10)

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ByUlrike Steffel

How to… Biennale


Ballettzentrum John Neumeier, training rooms

Kampnagel and the surrounding area

Kampnagel, floor plan

Way to walk from Heikotel to Kampnagel

Way to walk from main station to a&o Hostel Hamburg

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Moritz Frischkorn © privat
ByUlrike Steffel

Moritz Frischkorn

Moritz Frischkorn works as a choreographer and researcher within the contemporary performing arts. In his work, he looks for artistic practices that enable careful and speculative negotiations with the environment and thus allow for more than individual human expression. Since 2015, he researches social choreography of things within the graduate school ‘Performing Citizenship’. His newest work, ‘The Great Report’ (presented at Kampnagel in January 2020) looks at the relations between choreography and logistics. He has worked a.o. with Maria F. Scaroni, Martin Nachbar, Manon Santkin, Vladimir Miller (a.pass) and geheimagentur. (

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Katy Dworatzek © privat
ByUlrike Steffel

Katy Dworatzek

Kathrin Dworatzek is a performer, musician, and filmmaker. Since graduating from drama school, she has been working as a freelancer and joined arms with the cobratheater.cobra network. In her artistic work, she is researching forms of expression on stage/camera that reveal the synergistic circumstances which may aid in the creation of a sense of equality amongst performers, situation and audience members alike. Currently, she is an art student at the Academy of Fine Arts Hamburg, finishing her masters in film with P. Danquart, and gives theatre and film workshops for kids and young adults. (

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