


Moritz Frischkorn © privat
Katy Dworatzek © privat

Somewhere at the crossroads of report, reflection and diary, choreographer Moritz Frischkorn and video artist Kathrin Dworatzek work on a multidisciplinary artistic documentation of the Biennale Tanzausbildung 2020. Based on interviews, observations, video snippets, found objects, songs and theoretic reflections, they assemble their own version of the event, while focussing on the following questions: Who belongs, in the ‘city of dances’, who doesn’t? Why is that? What happens outside of the focus and next to the main stages? What’s the gossip, and who or what dances in the interstices and fractures of this Biennale? 

Click here for the BLOG

#cityofdances #intheinterstices #dancesfrombelow #minorobservations