
Fokus Tanz

ByAnja Michalke

Fokus Tanz


In QUEEN BLOOD, French choreographer Ousmane Sy pursues his exploration of energies and feminine gestures. The female dancers of the group Paradox-sal roll out their technical virtuosity and uniqueness in order to reveal or interrogate what could be womanhood, assumed or suffered, through dance and movement. Ousmane Sy belongs to the collective that has been appointed to run the Centre Chorégraphique National de Rennes.

The guest performance is supported by the Institut français and the French Ministry of Culture / DGCA. Event partner: arabesques. Wheelchair accessible.

19.02., 20.02., 21.02., 8 pm

Tickets € 40/32/24/12, reduced from € 9, [k]-card from € 6

Kampnagel K6

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About the author

Anja Michalke administrator