
Category Archive Programme

ByAnja Michalke

Bottom-up Dance School


The Bottom-Up Dance School fills the vacuum in the Hamburg dance community for an education in contemporary dance. It will offer further education in techniques and working methods and encounters with renowned choreographers and dance professionals. In ten teaching units, the workshop leaders will give insights into their own practices. The first class will be led by Fabrice Mazliah. The training is explicitly aimed at autodidacts and dancers who describe themselves as semi-professional and would like to do dance training.

Free admission after sign-in: (latest: Jan 31), class held in English

23.02., 12 am to 4 pm

Kampnagel K6

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ByUlrike Steffel

Cool Down and Feedback

After a packed, intense week, farewells are imminent. To shape this as a common experience, the Biennale has planned a last, reflexive session on Sunday morning. The start will be a physical cool down at 10:00 am, headed by the choreographer Victoria Hauke. In order to be able to review all events of the past week, the body needs to be awakened, which is what good dancers do. This will occur in the big group of all Biennale participants. Victoria Hauke’s roots in dance are based on release techniques, Tai Chi Chuan, Qi-Gong and yoga; she will use these to enrichen the cool-down session.

In a discussion after the session, all participants will look into the future and imagine what terms and conditions might characterize a network meeting for up-and-coming generations of dancers.

Feb 23, 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Kampnagel, Jarrestraße 20, 22303 Hamburg, K2

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ByUlrike Steffel

Biennale Closing Party


It’s the last evening of the 7th Bienn ale Tanzausb ildung 2020 Hamburg
and the festival Fok us Tanz #6 – there could be no better reason for an excessive party serving a mix of hip hop and dancehall tunes – bassy, trappy and bouncy! The late night highlight of the festival will bring two international DJs to the kmh-Club providing a space for audience, dance students from all over the world and international festival artists to celebrate together until the early morning. Express yourself – don’t repress yourself…

Feb 22, 11:00 pm

For ticketholders, artists, and participants of the Biennale Tanzausbildung 2020

Kampnagel, KMH

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ByAnja Michalke

Fusion Dance Battle



Why is there no battle in contemporary dance? Because there is no competition? Probably not. Within the framework of FOKUS TANZ, Kampnagel together with choreographers Ousmane Sy and Franck Edmond Yao is organizing the first FUSION DANCE BATTLE, a cross-disciplinary dance battle for dancers from all disciplines. In a casting workshop, a jury will select 40 people who will be divided into groups of 5 dancers from different dance genres. In the subsequent battle, the winners will dance together for the victory and receive prize money of €2000.

All Biennale participants from all disciplines are warmly invited to take
part in the battle!

The battle is supported by the Institut français.

Casting Feb 22, 5:30 pm, Kampnagel K1
Battle Feb 22, 8 pm, Kampnagel K6

Tickets Please register when participating. Visitortickets: 10 Euro (reduced 5 Euro)

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ByAnja Michalke

Short Pieces Feb 22, 6:30 pm


In its BA dance program, Codarts University of the Arts offers a combination of intensive study of dance techniques, improvisation / composition, performance practice as well as theory and reflection. At Kampnagel, the students show two short pieces: “FAR-Duet” in the choreography by Wayne McGregor and “The Golden Pas de Deux (The Dowland Variation)” by Stephen Shropshire.

More about the school


The Staatliche Ballettschule Berlin trains talents from all parts of the world in classic-romantic ballet as well as for contemporary dance. At Kampnagel, the students show “Work in Progress” by choreographer Barbara Gatto about the big issues of human existence.

More about the school


Dance training at the Escola Superior de Dança has existed since 1983 and is characterized by constant updating and further development of the faculty as well as a close relationship with the national and international artist scene. It shows the two duets »Quando a linha desalinha« and »Em Laivo«, which were choreographed by students from the second year.

More about the school

Tickets € 10 (€ 5 concession, free entrance for holders of tickets for FOKUS TANZ performances on the same night)

Kampnagel K2

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ByUlrike Steffel

Book Presentation


Scholar Gabriele Klein (Hamburg University) presents her new book »Pina
Bausch‘s Dance Theater. Company, Artistic Practices, and Reception«. After that she discusses the relevance and significance of scientific and artistic research in BA- and MA -dance programmes with Stephan Brinkmann, head of the dance department at Folkwang University, and the freelance choreographer and dance scholar Sebastian Sebastian Matthias.

The english edition of »Pina Bausch‘s Dance Theater. Company, Artistic Practices, and Reception« will be published by Columbia Press in May 2020.

Prof. Dr. Gabriele Klein, Stephan Brinkmann, Sebastian Matthias

Feb 22, 5:30 pm – in German language

Kampnagel, Jarrestraße 20, 22303 Hamburg, Foyer

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ByAnja Michalke

AK|T Meeting


This work discussion is particularly directed at the directors and responsible heads of study programs with an emphasis on dance pedagogy and dance mediation. We hereby invite you to take part in this meeting. The work discussion in the context of the 7th Biennale Tanzausbildung 2020 Hamburg among representatives of the AK|T institutions, directors of study programmes in the field of dance pedagogy/dance mediation and representatives of the listed associations would like to go beyond a first description of the status quo and inspire a discourse that also focuses on the challenges in the field of dance pedagogy and dance mediation in vocational and further education. One of the intents of this work group, which reaches across all associations, is to create a discussion forum in a conference (2020/21) to address the further development of the relevant questions and to present and explain new approaches, projects or visions of professionality in dance pedagogy and dance mediation in the 2020/30 decade. In this process, structures relating to qualifications, fields of activity and career opportunities in dance pedagogy and dance mediation stand at the center of the debate.

For AK|T members and representatives of the Dachverband Tanz, the Aktion Tanz – Bundesverband Tanz in Bildung und Gesellschaft e.V. and the Gesellschaft für Tanzforschung e.V.

Moderation: Claudia Feest, with contributions by Marianne Bäcker, Dr. Claudia Fleischle-Braun und Martina Kessel

Feb 22, 3 pm-4:15 pm

Kampnagel, Jarrestraße 20, 22303 Hamburg, Peacetambul

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ByAnja Michalke

AK|T Meeting


At the end of the Biennale, international guests who teach dance programmes abroad are invited to provide feedback. How did they experience the biennial? What other concrete steps would be desirable for the format of the biennial and its potential for international dialogue? For AK|T members and international guests.

Moderation: Nik Haffner et al.

Feb 22, 9:30 am-11:00 am

Kampnagel, Jarrestraße 20, 22303 Hamburg, K1

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ByAnja Michalke

Short Pieces Feb. 21, 6:30 pm


The Performing Arts Programme is based on the view that education is a dynamic process that responds to a rapidly changing and diverse environment.The Programme combines somatic, improvisation and performance studies. The students will show the choreography »Stance«.

More about the school


Dancescape South Africa offers dance classes for youth in disadvantaged
townships in South Africa in order to give them prospects and to offer alternatives and ways for a career in the performing arts. Dancescape South Africa presents a piece of dance theater that tells the fictional story of a healer.

More about the school


Since 1927, international dancers have been trained at Folkwang University of the Arts. Dance training is understood as interdisciplinary, traditional and versatile. For Kampnagel, choreographer Ben J. Riepe, who studied dance at Folkwang University himself, developed a presentation.

More about the school

Tickets € 10 (€ 5 concession, free entrance for holders of tickets for performances on the same night)

Kampnagel K2

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Natsuko Tezuka
ByAnja Michalke

Do-Shop #7 (students only)

Natsuko Tezuka: Body Map – Journey into the Inside

Observe your body and have it resonate within a stream of consciousness to make you dance. Instead of doing dance you can become dance. Dance will dance you. Stand still and do the impossible. Starting from an exploration of physicality, feeling and spontaneous movements, let’s make a body map as an observation of the inside of your body and take a journey through it. You will find out what kinds of energy are lurking deep inside of the body to come out as movements that happen instead of being made.

Teacher: Natsuko Tezuka

Feb. 21/22, 3:00 pm

Kampnagel, Jarrestraße 20, 22303 Hamburg, room K32

Attention: criss-cross!
The do-shops #5-8 are two days each, on Tuesday and Wednesday #5 and #6, on Friday and Saturday #7 and #8. They will be combined as 5/7, 5/8, 6/7 and 6/8.

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