
Peter Boragno

Peter Boragno © Andreas Tobias
ByAnja Michalke

Peter Boragno

Peter Boragno is a graduate in business administration and has worked in cultural management since 1995. His clients include the Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, the Federal Cultural Foundation, the Federal Ministry of Culture and Media, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the Goehte Institute. From 2010 onwards he accompanied the Ausbildungskonferenz Tanz and headed the office for the Biennale Tanzausbildng. Since January 2020, he has taken over the management of the Europäische Theaterakademie GmbH “Konrad Ekhof” Hamburg and is in charge of the Bundeswettbewerb deutschsprachiger Schauspielstudierender and, in the future, the Bundeswettbewerb Biennale Tanzausbildung.

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About the author

Anja Michalke administrator