
Atelier 2

© Silvano Ballone
ByAnja Michalke

Atelier 2

Biennale meets BJB

As a young company, the German National Youth Ballet not only dances John Neumeier’s repertoire, they also develop their own contemporary works. In this atelier, the participants learn and rehearse repertoire of the German National Youth Ballet. Germany’s first ever National Youth Ballet was founded at the beginning of the 2011/2012 theatre season.

The company consists of eight professional dancers between the ages of 18 to 23 and also works in the Ballettzentrum Hamburg John Neumeier. With its own repertoire, comprising mainly of works by young choreographers, the group predominantly dances in new spaces –not only theatres, but schools, museums, nursing homes and even prisons; spaces in which dance does not usually attract much interest. The National Youth Ballet aims to demonstrate that dance has a social relevance creating a spirit of community and a sense of unity, focusing especially on a young audience. The company has both national and international tours scheduled, hoping to bring people of different backgrounds and characters together through movement and creativity.

Teacher: Raymond Hilbert

Feb 21 + 22, 11-12 am, room Petipa

Ballettzentrum Hamburg John Neumeier, Caspar-Voght-Straße 54, 20535 Hamburg

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About the author

Anja Michalke administrator