
Dieter Heitkamp

© Jesse Johnson
ByUlrike Steffel

Dieter Heitkamp

Dieter Heitkamp is a professor of contemporary dance at the HfMDK Frankfurt am Main and director of the education department at the ZuKT (Zeitgenössischer und Klassischer Tanz). He was a speaker for the AK|T from 2007 – 2014 and worked as part of the management team of Tanzlabor_21 from 2006-2015. He is a founder and former collective member of Tanzfabrik Berlin, and was one of their artistic directors until 1995. His choreographies have been shown in Germany, Europe, the USA Japan, Hong Kong and Brazil. For the last 40 years he has been working intensively on the study, teaching, documentation and performance of contact improvisation.

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About the author

Ulrike Steffel editor