
Do-Shop #1 (students only)

Omar Rajeh © Jörg Letz
ByAnja Michalke

Do-Shop #1 (students only)

Omar Rajeh: MaQaM – Spaces of Inspiration | The Plurality of the Body

Instead of looking at the body as one entity with one centre, the body represents an interactive relationship of ‘bodies’ giving it its dynamics, presence, and meaning. It focuses on centres of dynamics that could be seen as centres of attention and communication. Creating spaces of inspiration that are framed, mutated, and dissolved in time, is a central concept of this approach. The MaqaM aims to introduce a broader concept of choreography and dance based on inner impulses of presence rather than pure physical forms. Movement becomes an urgency for being and for the generation of meaning rather than for showing forms and exhibiting representations.

Teacher: Omar Rajeh

Feb. 18/19/21/22, 3 pm

Kampnagel, Jarrestraße 20, 22303 Hamburg, room 6a

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About the author

Anja Michalke administrator