
Do-Shop #3 (students only)

Boy Henry & Boy Bernd © privat
ByAnja Michalke

Do-Shop #3 (students only)

Boy Henry & Boy Bernd / Brontez Purnell: DI whY?

The workshop is about Punk and the DiY spirit that goes along with it in reference to making music yourself, write about music yourself, release music yourself, organize concerts yourself and how this affects your creativity. During the workshop we will explore how the DiY spirit can be translated to other art forms than music (eg. dance).

In the physical part Brontez Purnell will offer a warm up and movement across the floor alongside a structured improv jam dealing with concepts of both negative and positive space, contact and anti-contact and how to build chapters in a dance score using scripting techniques in the class. There will be live accompaniment.
In this movement/word Do-Shop we will explore the interface of Brontez’s first two artistic loves–dance and writing. In moving through the world of dance–a body based practice that often forgoes the use of speech–the mode
of physical expression is emotive–to express with gesture where words may fail. We will explore/investigate/deconstruct the inescapable world of movement and the written word. Please bring a laptop and pen and prepare to record on your smartphone.

Teachers: Boy Henry & Boy Bernd and Brontez Purnell

Feb. 18/19/21/22, 3 pm

Kampnagel, Jarrestraße 20, 22303 Hamburg, room 6c

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About the author

Anja Michalke administrator