
Do-Shop #6 (students only)

Zwoisy Mears-Clarke © privat
ByAnja Michalke

Do-Shop #6 (students only)

Zwoisy Maers-Clarke: Bodies + Politics

In this workshop, we will explore, de-construct, and discuss our politics. These explorations, de-constructions, and discussions will take place in the space between speech and movement. We will start with the naming of some of the political topics and ideas that are on our minds. Then from there, we go into dance improvisation exercises (taken from Zwoisy‘s artistic practice) that draw a bridge between the verbal and movement languages. While we explore how socio-political messages inhabit our bodies daily and how our bodies express them, we will actively listen to one another. In these moments and beyond, we can give support, peaceful resistance, and solidarity to one another. In part of this workshop, touch will be used; physical boundaries will be self-directed and the responsibility of respecting these boundaries will be shared by all.

Teacher: Zwoisy Mears-Clarke

Kampnagel, Jarrestraße 20, 22303 Hamburg, room K32

Feb. 18/19, 3:00 pm

Attention: criss-cross!
The do-shops #5-8 are two days each, on Tuesday and Wednesday #5 and #6, on Friday and Saturday #7 and #8. They will be combined as 5/7, 5/8, 6/7 and 6/8.

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About the author

Anja Michalke administrator