
Do-Shop #9 (teachers only)

Sebastian Matthias © Jörg Letz
ByAnja Michalke

Do-Shop #9 (teachers only)

Sebastian Matthias: Participatory Working – Strategies for the Recognition of a Differentiated Knowledge

You have the knowledge. What do you do with it? Pass it on! Considering the concept of sharing knowledge (which is a common ground in artistic work for decades) instead of teaching to unknowing students might change the approach and the contact between teachers and students.
No one can exactly understand the physical experience of another person. Especially in dance, where the subjective body is at the center, it seems to be particularly relevant to engage in collaborative ways of working. Dancers and performers in choreographic processes depend on their own decisions in and with the body. How can a learning practice reflect these needs?

In this workshop, participatory research methods are put up for discussion and questioned about their implicit techniques, role models, body images in order to convey a perspective on how practical, non-institutionalized knowledge can be used. Thus, a cognitive distancing towards well-rehearsed routines, forms of interaction and power relations should be made possible in order to question established understandings and strategies and to be able to rethink dance education.

Moderation: Sebastian Matthias

Feb. 19, 11:00-1:00 pm and Feb. 21, 3:00-5:00 pm

Feb. 19: Ballettzenturm Hamburg John Neumeier, Caspar-Voght-Straße 54, 20535 Hamburg

Feb. 21: Kampnagel, Jarrestraße 20, 22303 Hamburg, Tent

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About the author

Anja Michalke administrator