
How to… Biennale

ByUlrike Steffel

How to… Biennale


You can get hungry between all the points in the programme. No worries – at the CITY OF DA NCES, food is provided for! Lunch is available from Tuesday to Sunday from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm; with one exception on thursday: At the day of the symposium, lunch will be served from 1:00 to 1:30 pm. Dinner will be provided on Monday from 6:00 to 10:00 pm and from Tuesday to Saturday from 5:30 to 9:00 pm. The tasty and all vegetarian meals will be put on the tables at the catering tent at the end of the Kampnagel foyer. There is also a water dispenser in the tent; here you can fill your cosmic BIE NNALE bott les. Other drinks can be ordered, at your own cost, at the Peacetanbul Restaurant at Kampnagel.
For all other culinary desires, there are plenty of options to buy other or more meals at your own cost in the area around Kampnagel, for example in the Jarrestrasse or Gertigstrasse: from little cafés to classic Döner, it’s all there (suggestions see above).

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About the author

Ulrike Steffel editor