
Kerstin Evert

Kerstin Evert © Thies Rätzke
ByAnja Michalke

Kerstin Evert

Kerstin Evert studied Applied Theatre Studies in Gieβen, where she did her doctorate on the theme of “DanceLab-Contemporary Dance and New Technologies”. From 1997 to 2000, she was a doctoral candidate in the post-graduate program “Körper-Inszenierungen” at the Freie Universität Berlin and with Oliver Behnecke founded the production label “Stadt Raum Inszenierung” (Festival ZeitenWende, Gieβen 2000). From 2002 to 2006, she worked as dramaturge at Kampnagel. Evert founded the choreographic center K3 in Hamburg in August 2006 and has been the director of K3 –Zentrum für Choreographie | Tanzplan Hamburg since then. She works as a lecturer at universities in Berlin, Bern, Gieβen, Hamburg, Frankfurt/Main and Salzburg, among other places, and was part of the co-management teams of the artistic-scientific Research Training Groups “Assembly and Participation (HCU, Fundus, K3) and Performing Citizenship (HCU, HAW, Fundus, K3). Kerstin Evert is member of several juries and advisory boards and member of the board of the European Dancehouse Network.

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Anja Michalke administrator