
Susanne Triebel

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ByUlrike Steffel

Susanne Triebel

Susanne Triebel has been an assistant in the education department for contemporary and classical dance at the ZuKT and the coordinator of the internationally oriented Masters Degree in Contemporary Dance Education (MA CoDE) since 2011. She received her formal dance training at the John Cranko School in Stuttgart and the Rheinischen Musikhochschule in Cologne. In 2009 she graduated from the MA program in Contemporary Dance Education at the University for Music and Performing Arts Frankfurt am Main. Between finishing her diploma and her masters degree, she danced for several years at Städtischen Bühnen Münster, Staatstheater Mainz, Staatstheater Darmstadt and Tanztheater Gießen. She has been teaching for the BA in Dance Management and supervising projects and demonstration lessons for the MA CoDE since 2012. Susanne Triebel is a current spokesperson for the AK|T.

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Ulrike Steffel editor