
Nik Haffner

Foto: Bettina Stöß
ByUlrike Steffel

Nik Haffner

Nik Haffner has been the artistic director of HZT Berlin since 2012. As a dancer and choreographer, Nik Haffner realised projects that mostly emerged from collaborations with other artists (including Christina Ciupke and Mart Kangro). His interest in collaboration and interdisciplinary exchange lead him to mediation and education projects. He worked as a guest teacher at schools including P.A.R.T.S. Brussels and Trinity Laban, and also as a Mentor in the K3 Hamburg residence program and as part of the project ensemble of Tanzlabor_21 in Frankfurt/Main. After finishing his dance education at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Frankfurt and at the Australian Ballet School, Melbourne, Nik Haffner joined Ballett Frankfurt under William Forsythe in 1994. Between 1994-1999 he developed the digital publication “Improvisation Technologies, and went on to work on the online score “Seven Duets” for the platform with Jonathan Burrows and Matteo Fargion from 2012-13. Nik Haffner is a member of the advisory board for Dance Congress Germany and the head speaker of the AK|T Dance Training Conference Germany.

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Ulrike Steffel editor