
Category Archive Education

ByUlrike Steffel

Biennale Hang Out

The Biennale will be an exciting but intensive week of learning and training. We want to make sure however that there is also plenty of time to relax and socialize between workshops. The Biennale Hang Outs will give you the perfect excuse to blow off some steam over a few drinks and, maybe, some more dancing with your fellow participants. Soundtrack will be provided by DJs yung_womb (Thursday) and David Lenk (Friday).

Feb 20/21, 11 pm

Kampnagel, Jarrestraße 20, 22303 Hamburg, KMH

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ByAnja Michalke

AK|T Meeting


After the first known cases of sexual harassment in 2017, the discussion in the past two years has been significantly more differentiated and the first studies have been published. The focus is not on the specific incidents, but on the analysis of the toxic environment, which makes it possible to cross borders or even supposedly legitimizes them. Among other things, rigid hierarchies, dependency relationships and a culture of silence were identified. After a brief introduction, an AK|T statement should be prepared in an open discussion. For teachers of the AK|T member institutions.

Moderation: Susanne Triebel

Feb 19, 4:35 pm-5:30 pm

Kampnagel, Jarrestraße 20, 22303 Hamburg, Peacetambul

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ByAnja Michalke

AK|T Meeting


Questions from AK | T members on various topics. For teachers of the AK|T member institutions.

Moderation: Dieter Heitkamp et al.

Feb 19, 3 pm – 4:30 pm

Kampnagel, Jarrestraße 20, 22303 Hamburg, Peacetambul

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Sebastian Matthias © Jörg Letz
ByAnja Michalke

Do-Shop #9 (teachers only)

Sebastian Matthias: Participatory Working – Strategies for the Recognition of a Differentiated Knowledge

You have the knowledge. What do you do with it? Pass it on! Considering the concept of sharing knowledge (which is a common ground in artistic work for decades) instead of teaching to unknowing students might change the approach and the contact between teachers and students.
No one can exactly understand the physical experience of another person. Especially in dance, where the subjective body is at the center, it seems to be particularly relevant to engage in collaborative ways of working. Dancers and performers in choreographic processes depend on their own decisions in and with the body. How can a learning practice reflect these needs?

In this workshop, participatory research methods are put up for discussion and questioned about their implicit techniques, role models, body images in order to convey a perspective on how practical, non-institutionalized knowledge can be used. Thus, a cognitive distancing towards well-rehearsed routines, forms of interaction and power relations should be made possible in order to question established understandings and strategies and to be able to rethink dance education.

Moderation: Sebastian Matthias

Feb. 19, 11:00-1:00 pm and Feb. 21, 3:00-5:00 pm

Feb. 19: Ballettzenturm Hamburg John Neumeier, Caspar-Voght-Straße 54, 20535 Hamburg

Feb. 21: Kampnagel, Jarrestraße 20, 22303 Hamburg, Tent

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ByAnja Michalke

AK|T Meeting


Programmatic and organizational topics, preparation of AKIT spokesman’s choice, exchange about future biennial formats and the general goals of the Biennale. For teachers of the AK|T member institutions.

Moderation: Peter Boragno, Nik Haffner

Feb 18, 3 pm – 6 pm

Kampnagel, Jarrestraße 20, 22303 Hamburg, Peacetambul

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Eylul Fidan Akinci © privat
ByAnja Michalke

Do-Shop #2 (students only)

Eylül Fidan Akinci: Dance Herstories

What do we think of when we talk about “the” dance history? Whose bodies and movements does this history glorify, and whose does it ignore? Who writes this history, what is their profit in its retellings? Such questions motivate this do-shop. We will first make explicit our preconceptions and accepted narrative of dance history. Then, we will see how we have been locating ourselves in it. Finally, we will devise some criteria for feminist, anti-colonialist, post-humanist routes of telling the multiple stories of dance, and see what kind of motions, shapes, anatomies they might afford to our bodies today and in the future. To achieve these goals, we will practice our improvised writing as well as improvised moving skills.

Teacher: Eylül Fidan Akinci

Feb. 18/19/21/22, 3 pm

Kampnagel, Jarrestraße 20, 22303 Hamburg, room KX

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Boy Henry & Boy Bernd © privat
ByAnja Michalke

Do-Shop #3 (students only)

Boy Henry & Boy Bernd / Brontez Purnell: DI whY?

The workshop is about Punk and the DiY spirit that goes along with it in reference to making music yourself, write about music yourself, release music yourself, organize concerts yourself and how this affects your creativity. During the workshop we will explore how the DiY spirit can be translated to other art forms than music (eg. dance).

In the physical part Brontez Purnell will offer a warm up and movement across the floor alongside a structured improv jam dealing with concepts of both negative and positive space, contact and anti-contact and how to build chapters in a dance score using scripting techniques in the class. There will be live accompaniment.
In this movement/word Do-Shop we will explore the interface of Brontez’s first two artistic loves–dance and writing. In moving through the world of dance–a body based practice that often forgoes the use of speech–the mode
of physical expression is emotive–to express with gesture where words may fail. We will explore/investigate/deconstruct the inescapable world of movement and the written word. Please bring a laptop and pen and prepare to record on your smartphone.

Teachers: Boy Henry & Boy Bernd and Brontez Purnell

Feb. 18/19/21/22, 3 pm

Kampnagel, Jarrestraße 20, 22303 Hamburg, room 6c

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Tim Reuscher © privat
ByAnja Michalke

Do-Shop #2a/#3a (students only)

Tim Reuscher: Zine

Comic, fanzine etc. have their own way of storytelling. Zines are easily made and distributed. Tim Reuscher from NACHLADEN in Hamburg will give a lecture about the history of zine and a practical introduction to the production of zines. The Do-Shops #2: history / herstory of dance and #3 DI whY? make use of that technique to enrich their process.

Teacher: Tim Reuscher

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Claire Cunningham © Meyer Unlabel
ByAnja Michalke

Do-Shop #4 (students only)

Claire Cunningham: Visibility is no Choice

Claire Cunningham’s work is often rooted in the study and use/misuse of her crutches and the exploration of the potential of her own specific physicality with a conscious rejection of traditional dance techniques (developed for non-disabled bodies). In her live and artistic career, she was always visible due to her disability, she says. This Do-Shop is about the choice to be visible on and off stage.

Feb. 18/19/21/22, 3:00 pm

Kampnagel, Jarrestraße 20, 22303 Hamburg, room K31

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© Michaela Kuhn
ByAnja Michalke

Do-Shop #5 (students only)

Bea Carolina Remark / Raymond Hilbert: Dancing Together

How do dance and inclusion fit together? For a long time dance has not been thought as an inclusive art form. That it can be one has been proven by the National Youth Ballet (NYB), among others, for many years in numerous collaborations with institutions whose field of activity lies outside the art world. The Do-Shop directors Raymond Hilbert, Ballet Master of the NYB, and dance creator Bea Carolina Remark invite you to freely investigate your individual repertoire of movements and to develop it into a common language of dance and movement by exploring how dance can be experienced by everybody. The do-shop participants will take part in the inclusive work of the National Youth Ballet and of Bea Carolina Remark, both observing and participating. Let’s enjoy dancing together!

Feb. 18/19, 3:00 pm

Kampnagel, Jarrestraße 20, 22303 Hamburg, room K4

The participation of the students of the Heinrich Ernst Stötzner School in Hanover is supported by the Gabriele Fink Foundation.

Attention: criss-cross!
The do-shops #5-8 are two days each, on Tuesday and Wednesday #5 and #6, on Friday and Saturday #7 and #8. They will be combined as 5/7, 5/8, 6/7 and 6/8.

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